Featured Case - March 2017

Featured Case
Contributed by Suzette LaRoche, MD, FACNS,
Mission Health, Asheville, NC

Clinical Presentation:

A 56 year old male suffered an out of hospital cardiac arrest secondary to ventricular fibrillation. Upon arrival to the ICU, therapeutic hypothermia was initiated with concurrent EEG monitoring. A 30-minute quantitative EEG segment (QEEG) is displayed 48 hours after the initial cardiac arrest and following rewarming (core temperature was 36.5 C and the patient was not on any sedatives or paralytics):

Question 1: Which of the following best describes the raw EEG background most likely associated with this QEEG pattern?

  1. Burst suppression pattern
  2. Continuous 30-40 uV delta slowing
  3. Complete suppression of background activity
  4. Non convulsive status epilepticus
Answer: (click here)

Question 2: Which pattern is most likely represented at the arrows?

  1. Shiver artifact
  2. Bursts of high amplitude generalized periodic discharges
  3. Focal electrographic seizures
  4. Artifact from cardiac arrhythmia
Answer: (click here)

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